$60 Million Lottery Winner Won After Betting on the Same Number for 30 Years

Icon date Published: 31.08.2019, 11:20
Icon time 2 min read
Bon Troung is holding his winning lottery cheque, after 30 years of betting on the same numbers.
$60 Million Lottery Winner Won After Betting on the Same Number for 30 Years

When they say patience pays, it surely did for Bon Troung. He is a Canadian man who recently made headlines by scooping $60 million in a lottery. The news of the win overwhelmed him so much that he has waited for 10 months to fetch his winnings, while he was betting on the same number in lotteries for almost 30 years.

He has been playing the same combination of lottery numbers for close to 30 years. The Canada lottery held their draw on October 26th. To his surprise, Bon Troung found out the following morning that his ticket had won the jackpot.

To confirm his winnings, he went to a local store and requested to be offered a printout of the winning numbers. Utterly surprised, he spent hours looking back and forth at the printout. His lucky numbers were 2,3,4,8,9,20 and 30. According to Troung, these numbers are a combination of important dates to him and family birthdays.

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Waiting for 10 Months to Claim the Winning

He contemplated about the life-changing impact that the win would bring, both to his family and him. He felt the need for every member of his family to be prepared about it. 10 months down the line, he felt it was time to make his claim. According to him, family comes first, and with the money, he plans to take his family on vacation, buy a new home, foot bills as well as save some money. He said, “I am still indecisive of where to spend my vacation so we may end up visiting everywhere.”

“I’m still young and strong. Once I am done with this, I will go back to work,” said the 55-year-old landscaper at Western Canada Lottery’s corporate office located in St. Albert, Alta.

Troung reportedly immigrated to Canada in 1983 from Vietnam as CTV News reported. A family member said that at arrival, Troung and his family did not have a lot of money, just enough for basic survival. The extended family is happy for the new multimillionaire family member, seeing they have always worked hard in Canada.

Had Troung not come forward to make a claim, the ticket and prize would have expired one year since the announcement of the jackpot. Troung is unlikely to face the taxman as a result of his win. This is because the law doesn’t require Canadian lottery winners to report their winning to the government.

Troung seems to be grateful for the win, unlike one Canadian who previously sued the national lottery.

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