Black Book

Icon date Published: 05.06.2019, 16:39
Icon time 1 min read

The black book is a term used to refer to a list of people who are unwelcome at gambling venues and are barred from entry (see banned player). Such a list may be made by a gaming control board. The term is also applied to the Griffin Book, the details of which are shared with gaming venues.

Why are players entered into the black book?

Most players are entered into the black book for the following reasons:

  • Cheating
  • Attempting to cheat
  • Encouraging others to cheat
  • Behaving inappropriately
  • Being rude to other players and the casino staff
  • Damaging casino property
  • Attempting to use fake currency

Black book:

  • A term used to refer to a list of people who are unwelcome at gambling venues.

Fun gambling fact:

The term black book comes from the medieval era. English King Henry VIII used to keep a small black book in which he wrote down the names of people who were considered “sinful” (criminals and political dissidents).

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