
Icon date Published: 19.06.2019, 20:44
Icon time 1 min read

In poker, a flush is a hand containing 5 cards in the same suit. A flush is considered to be the fifth-best hand in poker. The probability of a player assembling a flush is 3.03%. The word flush means fullness or abundance.

In cases where more than one gambler has a flush, the player with the highest-ranked top card wins. For instance, if you have a flush with an ace, it will beat a flush in which a king is the highest card.

Three out of the Top 5 strongest hands in poker are a variation of the flush:

  1. Royal Flush 
  2. Straight Flush
  3. Four of a Kind
  4. Full House
  5. Flush


  • In poker, a hand containing 5 cards in the same suit.

5 cards in the same suit in poker

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