Game of Thrones Final Episode: Odds on Who Will Die and Who Will Take the Throne

Icon date Published: 16.05.2019, 13:33
Icon time 2 min read
Game of Thrones Final Episode: Odds on Who Will Die and Who Will Take the Throne

One of the most popular TV shows of all time is ending on May 19. Online bookmakers have prepared their odds on what will happen in the finale. After last week’s fiery episode (no pun intended), the odds on who will live, die and rule Westeros have shifted dramatically. 

Beware, spoilers for Game of Thrones season 8 ahead! 

After the latest episode, the audiences were not the only ones left disappointed. Much of the odds on Game of Thrones final season are now either impossible or did not account for the outcomes that actually took place.

For example, will Jamie kill Cersei? Will Arya kill Cersei? Will Daenerys kill Cersei? Well, unless you bet on a roof, you lost this one.

Some of the deaths were underwhelming for certain viewers. However, it only makes the odds on GoT finale all the more exhilarating.

Who Will Die in GoT S8 E5?

There’s practically no denying that Daenerys Targaryen is done for. The odds on her and other characters dying are:

  • Daenerys – 1/4
  • Jon Snow – 5/4
  • Tyrion Lannister – 6/4
  • Arya Stark – 5/2

The most important question is who will do the deed. Her nephew is the top candidate at 1/5.

Strangely enough, there were no odds on Tyrion or Arya. The latter is hinted to be the one to strike the finishing blow so it wouldn’t be surprising to see her do it, considering her assassin skill. Tyrion might not be a fierce warrior, but he lost all of his remaining family due to Daenerys. It seems that not all bookies fully know how to make up GoT odds.

Who will Sit on the Iron Throne?

The next big question is the next Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. It will likely not be Queen, as Daenerys is now certainly the main villain.

  • Bran Stark – 5/4
  • Sansa Stark – 5/2
  • Jon Snow – 4/1
  • Arya Stark – 6/1
  • No one – 8/1
  • Daenerys – 15/1
  • Gendry – 30/1

Bran may be an unexpected ruler. However, now-gone Varys has repeatedly said that the King that does not want to rule would be a better option. He, of course, meant Jon Snow, but Bran has also mentioned that he is now deprived of any human desires.

Additionally, the odds and the number of bets on Bran may indicate some insider information leak. Bran would be a somewhat unexpected ruler, so such betting activity is suspicious.

The biggest offenders are the bookies who left out Ser Pounce. As far as nobility goes, he is truly worthy of the Iron Throne. Seems unlikely? When it comes to weird bets, anything goes.

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