Loot Boxes Are Not Gambling According to UK MP

Icon date Published: 03.07.2019, 14:09
Icon time 2 min read
According to a UK MP, loot boxes are not gambling, as there is no financial reward.
Loot Boxes Are Not Gambling According to UK MP

Loot boxes are a source of contention for many lawmakers around the world. Many countries consider them to be a form of gambling and actively ban the practice. The US lawmakers are considering banning loot boxes, while Sweden is looking into the issue. However, opinions differ and now Margot James, Member of Parliament of the UK, has chimed in, saying that loot boxes are not gambling.

This follows an inquiry into loot boxes by the UK parliament. As a part of that inquiry, EA Games denied that loot boxes lead to gambling. Additionally, their VP even compared them to Kinder Surprise Eggs. The gaming community has considered such an assertion to be laughable. However, one UK MP might sway to EA’s side.

During one of the hearings, James claimed that countries that ban or restrict loot boxes are “taking their offline gambling laws online.” She also said that skins gambling or loot boxes don’t grant financial reward. Furthermore, the received prizes cannot be traded for money. Taking that into consideration, loot boxes do not equate to gambling, according to James.

It can also be argued that paid items do not guarantee a better chance at winning. While valuable items can fall from loot boxes, the skill would be more important. This would be a strong counter-argument to many regulatory measures. For example, Google Play requires apps with loot boxes to show odds in the store.

Margot James might find a lot of support for her view. However, many would argue that such practice can result in gambling over time. According to a recent study, loot boxes can lead to gambling. Therefore, efforts to restrict the activity are also understandable.

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