Myths of Online Roulette – Common Mistakes and Superstitions of Playing Roulette

Icon date Published: 02.09.2019, 19:15
Icon time 4 min read
Online Roulette myths and misconceptions hovering above a Roulette wheel.
Myths of Online Roulette – Common Mistakes and Superstitions of Playing Roulette

Almost every online casino in the world offers online Roulette, and the game is incredibly addictive and easy to play. Moreover, there is always a chance of winning big. However, some people thwart their own luck by holding to common myths and superstitions about the game. Here are some of the most common myths about online Roulette that you should know about. Once you realize that these superstitions don’t really hold sway over the game, you should find yourself more likely to win big at the Roulette tables.

You might also be interested in understanding the essential Roulette rules to understand certain myths better.

There are no Lucky Numbers

Human beings try to find patterns in this—it’s just a natural part of our psyches. In a game as number-intensive as Roulette, people tend to see patterns where there aren’t any. Because many gamblers have “lucky” numbers that they prefer, they tend to bet more frequently on those numbers under the belief that they will see a big payoff.

When they see a big win from one of these “lucky” numbers, it erases the memory of all the money they’ve lost previously. In reality, the only way that a Roulette table, virtual or otherwise, can gravitate toward certain numbers is if the table is rigged. Don’t hold so much stock in the superstition that you make foolish bets at the Roulette table.

Each Spin is an Entity Unto Itself

Imagine that you’re playing online Roulette and something improbably happens, such as the ball landing on 12 three times in a row. Most people would assume that the odds of 12 coming up again are astronomical and would stay away from betting on that number. In reality, the odds of 12 coming up again are the same as any other number coming up.

Each spin is its own entity, with the results of previous spins having no bearing on what happens next. While the odds of any number coming up multiple times in a row are astronomical, those odds only apply before the dealer spins the wheel. Each result removes a degree of improbability. When calculating statistics, don’t make the mistake of confusing the theoretical and the practical.

Not All Roulette is Equal

Not all online casinos clearly explain the type of Roulette that they offer. Most people don’t care much and assume that Roulette is just one game. In truth, it is several games, each with subtle differences and different odds. For example, there is a big difference between European and American Roulette.

American Roulette has a zero and double zero slot in addition to the 36 standard numbers. By comparison, European Roulette offers only a single zero slot. This means that the odds are slightly better of winning a straight bet on a European table. In practical terms, European Roulette provides the house with a 2.7% advantage, which American Roulette gives a 5.25% advantage on all bets. Furthermore, French Roulette uses the same wheel as European Roulette, but provides players with half of their wagers back when the ball lands on zero. Make sure you know what kind of Roulette you are playing. Over a long enough period of time, it can make a huge difference.

Don’t Always Quit Because of a Losing Streak

While many players get too risky with their bets on Roulette, others play too conservatively and quit before they have a chance to win serious money. Mindful of the risk of losing all their money, people who run into a losing streak at Roulette sometimes quit before they have a chance to win anything. The theory behind this action is sound—it’s never a good idea to go broke gambling, after all.

However, it’s important to remember that losing a few spins in a row doesn’t mean you can’t win a few in the future. It’s best to approach the Roulette wheel with a plan of how much you are going to spend and keep to your budget. In online casinos, you can use “free” money won through free spins or welcome bonuses to supplement this wager, allowing you to play longer without risking as much real money yourself.

The Strategy Behind Your Bets Matters

Throughout this article, one major conclusion should stand out: there is no magic way to beat the randomness of the Roulette wheel. However, this doesn’t mean that you should bet wildly without any sort of strategy in place. You can’t control the randomness of the wheel, but you can bet appropriately and in an educated manner.

This means not putting all your money on a single number. Spreading your bets out across different numbers or betting based on color are good ways to win small amounts while occasionally taking bigger risks. You should approach casino games with a strategy, and you should be willing to adjust that strategy when something isn’t working. By taking measured bets and keeping a strategy in mind, you can make Roulette pay off for you in the long run.

In the end, you aren’t likely to win big on Roulette unless you get very lucky. However, that doesn’t means you can’t turn a profit by betting wisely. If you keep reality in mind and do your best to disabuse yourself of any superstitious notion, you can use probability and strategic betting to win money at the Roulette wheel. With Roulette easier to play than ever thanks to online casinos, fortune favors the clever. Make sure not to get over-reliant on the idea of lucky numbers of streaks, know your game, and spread bets out. This is the key to making a profit at Roulette.

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