Philippines Suspends Issuing POGO Licenses Amid Fears of Chinese Spies

Icon date Published: 22.08.2019, 18:18
Icon time 2 min read
The Philippines have stopped issuing the POGO licenses over the fear of Chinese spies.
Philippines Suspends Issuing POGO Licenses Amid Fears of Chinese Spies

As gambling is nourishing in the Philippines, the relationship between China and the host nation suffer an increased diplomatic row. The Philippine authorities are viewing gambling operators as a possible tool that the Chinese are using as a disguise to fulfill their spying mission. The Philippine Amusement Corporation (PAGCOR) made a declaration that no new Philippine Offshore Gaming Operator (POGO) will be issued until some issues have been revolved.

CNN reported PAGCOR announcing the decision to stop issuing new licenses until some concerns have been “reviewed and addressed.” The regulator’s CEO Andrea Domingo made the landmark announcement on August 19, where he emphasized the national security as the main ingredient to the move.

The Philippine’s security concerns are emerging to be the existence of POGO employees, who are mainly Chinese citizens. Claims have emerged from various quarters that the Chinese employees in the industry may be spying on the Philippine government. 

On the contrary, China and the Philippines are experiencing diplomatic tensions, as the former accuses the Philippine government of neglect over Chinese workers’ deaths.

Raising Concern other Chinese Workers

A lawmaker launched the suspicion when he questioned the existence of POGO centers in areas close to government and military offices. The Defense Secretary Delfin Lozenzana concurred with the legislator’s observation. While agreeing, Lozenzana added that POGO workers might shift their focus on gambling and launch espionage activities due to their proximity with major state offices.

The idea attracted instant participation from various top authorities, including Vice President Leni Robredo. The VP also advocated for the suspension of the issuance of POGO licenses to establish the truth about the matter first. Other people were of the opinion that the creation of POGO hubs should commence for easy in grouping Chinese workers, thus secure monitoring. PAGCOR admitted that it is weighing several options to solve the impasse, but disclosed that two hubs had been identified for the mission.

The total number of licensed POGO regulators currently stands at 58. This is considered as low registration rate since only seven new firms have been enlisted since November 2017 amid massive gambling activities in the country. While the authorities are taking the measure to ensure the safety of jobs for its citizens, the outcome may be the opposite.

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