A floorman is a casino employee responsible for the monitoring and administration of poker games. This employee is typically put in charge of a single floor to ensure that all of the games there run smoothly. To signify their higher rank, instead of wearing a dealer uniform, the floorman is typically dressed in either a suit or a tuxedo.
Depending on the venue, the floorman may be responsible for up to 10-15 tables. If the floor only has a couple of tables, a separate floorman is usually not hired and his responsibilities are taken over by other staff members. If it has over 15 tables, the casino will typically hire a second floorman.
The exact list of responsibilities of a floorman will vary from venue to venue, but it will usually include:
- managing the dealers;
- settling player disputes;
- seating new players;
- handling table change requests;
- solving equipment-related problems.
- A casino employee responsible for the monitoring and administration of poker games.
- Usually responsible for the entire floor.
- May be replaced by other staff in smaller venues.