Kim Jong-Un’s Brother Ran Illegal Online Casinos

Icon date Published: 14.06.2019, 16:26
Icon time 1 min read
Kim Jong-Un’s Brother Ran Illegal Online Casinos

After Kim Jong-Un’s brother Kim Jong-nam was poisoned in Malaysia, speculation about the North Korean dictator’s involvement started at once. Now, a new book reveals that the victim not only worked with the CIA, which could’ve triggered the assassination, but also operated several illegal online casinos. 

A new book by the Washington Post journalist Anna Fitfield ‘The Great Successor: The Secret Rise and Rule of Kim Jong-un’ details the activities of Kim Jong-nam. According to it, Kim has operated several online casino sites. He would also launder fake US dollars that were manufactured in North Korea through casinos in Macau. 

Internet security specialist that worked for him said that the deceased “appeared to keep some links to the regime at the same time as living outside it.”

This means that North Korea might be somehow connected to the online gambling industry. Considering that many countries in the region, such as Vietnam, strictly oppose online gambling, it would be difficult for Kim Jong-nam to have acted alone. Whether the regime or Kim Jong-un had a hand in keeping the casinos afloat is not clear. Nevertheless, this would definitely not be the straw that broke the camel’s back in terms of his assassination.

There were no details about exactly which sites were operated by the Kim Jon-un’s brother. This would arguably be the most interesting piece of information to come out of the whole story. 

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