5 Weirdest Bets You Can Make Online

Icon date Published: 28.03.2019, 18:41
Icon time 3 min read
5 Weirdest Bets You Can Make Online

If you can think of something, you can bet on it. Additionally, if you can think of something, it is on the internet. With that said, things that you can’t think of are also on the internet.

With this wild west of everything and anything, it is easy to assume that there are a lot of weird bets that you can make online, some of them are stranger than one could think.

When Alien Life Will Be Discovered

One of the most popular long-shot odds is on the discovery of alien life. The odds categories range from general discovery of extraterrestrial life to a specific time limit, within which it would happen.

The odds on that usually range in 70/1 to 50/1 range. However, certain events or space objects, such as the Oumuamua, sighted in late 2018, can shorten the odds drastically.

For example, the shortest odds on alien sightings from Paddy Power were recorded as 5/1, after a UFO was apparently spotted near Ireland.

The odds of aliens being discovered range from 50/1 to 5/1.

End of the World

Nothing like a good old apocalypse can invigorate a betting craze.

Various UK bookmakers offer odds on a variety of possibilities for the world to end, from the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to Giant Monster invasion. Here are some of the shortest odds:

  • Zombie virus – 1/1000
  • Alien Invasion – 1/500
  • Black hole – 1/125
  • Robot Uprising – 1/80
  • Natural Disasters destroying life on Earth – 1/45
  • Nuclear War – 1/30

Interestingly enough, odds on the Sun expanding and totally consuming the Earth is 1/1, since it is pretty much guaranteed to happen, even if you would have to wait about 5 billion years to claim your winnings.

On that note, none of the bookmakers specify how you could claim your money after they cease to exist. That remains an open question.

Celebrity Deaths

Speaking of unfortunate events, there are numerous predictions on which senior celebrities would die, with of some of the bookmakers offering odds, despite the fact that it is not considered gambling to bet money on people dying.

Some of the most popular people on the death list in 2019 include:

  • Kirk Douglas – 103 years old
  • Jimmy Carter – 95 years old
  • Tina Turner – 80 years old
  • Mikhail Gorbachev – 88 years old

All Things Royal Family

The obsession of some British people with the members of the Royal Family can be seen as weird, but the media attention and the odds on certain events for the family get a lot of traction.

For example, since Prince Harry’s wife Meghan Markle is now pregnant, the odds on everything about the Royal child are all the hype.

With more than a hundred name variants for the newborn, most popular being Diana (odds 3/1) and Grace (8/1) and the most outrageous including Jesus (225/1), Buddha (500/1) and Muhammad (500/1). By the way, you can check out more name suggestions and bet on it on 22Bet UK.

Oddly Specific Sports Bets

Betting on sport is nothing new. Moreover, betting on the most specific details of the sporting world is not new as well.

For example, one lucky football fan won $45,000 from a bet on Xabi Alonso scoring from his half of the field during the 2005/2006 season. An unlikely scenario, which ended up happening nonetheless.

The Super Bowl bets not only include gambling on the game itself but on how long would the National Anthem take to perform, would the halftime show performers wear shirts and so on.

American football players preparing for a Super Bowl match.

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