Betting on Donald Trump Again? US-North Korea Summit Attract Prop Bets

Icon date Published: 18.03.2019, 11:44
Icon time 1 min read
Betting on Donald Trump Again? US-North Korea Summit Attract Prop Bets

Another week, another bet on president Donald Trump. Much like the bets on how much Trump would lie in his oval office address, bets were placed on the recently concluded US-North Korea summit.

The most popular bets were placed on whether Kim Jong Un would give up his nuclear program. The odds of North Korea refusing to stop it were -10000, while denuclearizing odds were +2500, meaning that this turnout would have given the lucky bettor $2,500 from $100.

Seeing the abrupt end of the talks, the risk was not warranted. However, Trump did promise another summit, so the odds might move to fewer outrages values next time.

The odds were not all serious however, as one of the players betted on Trump bringing fast food to the talks or to the official dinner of the two leaders. The odds? +1000 for Yes and -5000 for No.

Curious about other types of weird bets? Check out our article on the top 5 weirdest bets you can make online.

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