Democratic Primaries Nominee Betting Odds and Prospects

Icon date Published: 31.01.2020, 18:00
Icon time 2 min read
Faces of four democratic candidates and their odds of becoming the nominee for 2020 election.
Democratic Primaries Nominee Betting Odds and Prospects

After two weeks, the exciting race for the Democrat Nominee has provided some unexpected results. Two older white men are leading the primaries, with Bernie Sanders’s odds at 5/2, and the leader, Joe Biden at 2/1. It was previously expected that the main leader will be either a person of color or a female, while Kamala Harris seemed like the perfect candidate in the betting market of politics.

The Race Just Began

Even though there are two main candidates according to the betting odds, the primaries have just begun and there is a lot of room for changes. The first part is the Iowa Caucuses and around 50% of the voters remain undecided at the moment with a minimum of five nominees’ who have the chance to remain in the race.

The two main Democrat fractions are progressives and moderates. Progressives are represented by Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. The moderates are Biden, Buttigieg, and Klobuchar.

Joe Biden, a former Vice-president can benefit from name recognition and hope to gather a lot of voices from the African-American voters, especially in the South. But prior to the primaries reaching South Carolina on February 29th, there are three races, the Iowa, Nevada, and New Hampshire and Sanders is the main favorite for all of them. Biden needs to win at least one of the races since the opening primaries are really important. If he loses all three, a different candidate may take his place against Sanders.

Potential Candidates

A gay veteran that was in the midst of the Afghan conflict and is currently the Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, Pete Buttigieg, has good chances in Iowa. His main problem is connecting to black voters which limits him. Additionally, Amy Klobuchar is another promising candidate.

One of the progressives’ candidates, Warren, remains popular among the party and tries to show herself as the ‘unity candidate’. Since Trump, the public is highly oriented towards women and the New York Times endorsed Warren and Klobuchar as their main candidates.

It is expected that these elections will see a significant rise in minorities, women, and young voters since Trump angered a lot of people.

Democratic Candidates Betting Odds

The odds on major democratic candidates becoming the nominee are:

  • Joe Biden – 2/1
  • Bernie Sanders – 5/2
  • Elizabeth Warren – 7/1
  • Michael Bloomberg – 7/1
  • Pete Buttigieg – 14/1
  • Andrew Yang – 18/1

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