Kenya Outdoor Advertising Ban Ruled Unconstitutional By Country’s High Court

Icon date Published: 28.05.2019, 16:06
Icon time 1 min read
Kenya Outdoor Advertising Ban Ruled Unconstitutional By Country’s High Court

After gambling advertising was banned in Kenya, the country’s high court has now ruled it to be unconstitutional. This is another partial victory for local sportsbooks, after the ban on sportsbook endorsements was temporarily suspended last week.

Kenya’s High Court Justice John Mativo has declared the bill void. His reason was the illegality, unreasonableness and procedural impropriety of the ban.

Compared to other countries, this is the first time when most of the banned advertising practices were overruled. The decision of the court, however, was predictable, due to the public outcry. After all, Kenya is one of the most gambling countries, according to search requests in 2018.

Sweden is considering a ban similar to the Kenyan one. However, discussions with local businesses are now commencing. This is done before any decisions are made. Therefore, no confusion or controversy should arise there.  

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