Louisiana Rejects Sports Betting Legalization

Icon date Published: 30.05.2019, 18:55
Icon time 1 min read
Louisiana sports betting bill was rejected due to a poker establishments betting clause.
Louisiana Rejects Sports Betting Legalization

A bill that would legalize sports betting in Louisiana has been officially rejected. The move was made by the House Appropriations Committee. According to Gambling Insider, several of the bill’s amendments were the reason for the rejection.

Louisiana was one of the US states that moved towards sports betting legalization. One of the amendments would require sportsbooks to purchase official league data. The same clause was adopted in Tennesse, which fully legalized sports betting earlier this month.

The clause that caused rejection, however, would allow video poker parlors to offer sports betting services. Since there are 2,800 of such poker establishments, concerns over the law’s feasibility were raised. Licensing each establishment would be costly. Not to mention the strain on police forces that would have to enforce the law.

According to Louisiana Casino Association’s Wade Duty, the lawmakers “have now put enough baggage on the plane it will not get airborne,” referring to the law.

It’s yet unclear whether the bill would be reconsidered with new amendments. It’s also unclear whether online casino services would be considered. It would follow the steps of New Jersey and would bring more online slots gambling to the US. Only time would tell.

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