New Gambling Control Body in Ireland by the End of 2020

Icon date Published: 23.03.2019, 19:04
Icon time 1 min read
New Gambling Control Body in Ireland by the End of 2020

The Irish government voted for the creation of a new gambling regulator body.

Its responsibilities would include overseeing all gambling activities, including online betting and issuing licenses, imposing fines on operators irresponsibly related to their obligations.

It was reported that the agency will monitor gambling marketing and maintain sporting integrity. David Stanton, Minister of State for Equality, Immigration and Integration stated that the new body will eventually go to self-financing and funds would be allocated from fees and charges that would come from gambling companies.

The government has also considered the issue of updating the draft law on gambling and lotteries. Their purpose would be to restrict access to gaming products to persons under 18 years old. This question was submitted for consideration after the cases of access of minors to land gambling were revealed.

Also, the new rules provide for a significant increase in the rates and limits of the prize pool for slot machines. These rules have not been updated since 1956. The rate limit will increase from 3 to 10 euros. The prize fund will exceed 750 euros, which currently stand at only 50 cents.

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