Online Gambling Is More Responsible Than Any Other Industry, Expert Says

Icon date Published: 19.03.2019, 18:19
Icon time 1 min read
Online Gambling Is More Responsible Than Any Other Industry, Expert Says

In a recent interview with Gambling Insider, consultant Aideen Shortt claims that online gambling companies are doing more in the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR) than any other industry.

On the backdrop of personal data leakage controversy of Facebook, this is especially noticeable.

“More is being done in the online gaming industry […] than in any other industry I can think of.”, – says Shortt.

She has elaborated that the reason for this may be the extensive regulations that online gambling should abide by. These include customer due diligence, local, international and EU laws, as well as infamous GDPR, among other things.

The consultant also added that the online gambling companies should “put [their] head down, do [their] work and let the boulders fall where they may”, in reference to the opinions of some people that the companies should actively publicize their CSR achievements.

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