Spanish Broadcaster Stops Gambling Advertising

Icon date Published: 06.05.2019, 15:40
Icon time 1 min read
Spanish Broadcaster Stops Gambling Advertising

If you thought that there were too much gambling ad bans, it’s not over yet. Unlike Kenya or Italy, this is not a government-issued ban. The restriction comes from Spanish broadcaster in the Basque Country Euskal Irrati Telebista. They have announced that any gambling-related ads will not be allowed on their TV, radio and digital platforms.

The broadcaster has explained that are trying to protect ” the most vulnerable against the serious problems of addiction” that can stem from gambling. The exception to the restrictions will be made for the national lottery.

This is not the first instance of Spanish broadcasters banning gambling ads from their platforms. TeleMadrid was instructed to do so by the Assembly of Madrid.

Such decisions by private companies could influence the gambling ads laws in the country. An outright ban might not be underway, but significant restrictions, like those in the UK, can be expected.

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