Woman Wins $3 Million At The Casino By Falling on The Floor

Icon date Published: 01.07.2019, 16:47
Icon time 1 min read
Ohio woman was awarded $3 million after she tripped and fell on a Wet Floor Sign.
Woman Wins $3 Million At The Casino By Falling on The Floor

Most people try to find their luck at the casinos while they play casino games. However, one Ohio woman got a big sum by not even touching a casino table. She tripped on a wet floor and was now awarded $3 million for the sustained injuries.

To be exact, Lynda Sadowski has gone into the Cincinnati’s Jack Casino and tripped on the Wet Floor sign itself. Instead of fulfilling its purpose, the well-known yellow sign was laying on the ground. Sadowski did not see it, went towards it, tripped and fell.

After the court case that followed, the jury has declared that the casino didn’t provide a safe environment. It is also reported that the casino employee walked past the sign on the floor and didn’t pick it up. Due to the “casino’s callous disregard for their customers’ safety”, Sadowski was awarded $3 million.

The whole scene seems ironic, but the victim surely didn’t find it funny. After the fall, the woman broke her knee cap. Due to the injury, a metal piece had to be inserted into her knee. Following that, arthritis had developed in the place of an injury.

The lawyers of Jack Casino had defended the establishment, claiming that the sign was still visible, even if on the floor.

Hopefully, no one else would need to win money at the casino that way again. 

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