Odds on 2020 US Presidential Election Democratic Candidates Are In

Icon date Published: 18.03.2019, 11:56
Icon time 2 min read
Top Democratic party candidates are attracting bets closer to 2020 elections.
Odds on 2020 US Presidential Election Democratic Candidates Are In

Wagers on the outcomes of political elections are some of the most popular weird bets you can make online. With more and more candidates announcing their participation in the 2020 Presidential election, the odds are showing the interest in them more than anything. Yet another betting frenzy around US politics, similar to various bets on Donald Trump.

Beto O’Rourke

One of the most popular candidates is Beto O’Rourke, a Texan rock musician turned politic who made headlines when he ran for the state’s senator office last year. His odds on being a Democrat nominee are +400 while becoming a president is +750.

Liked among young people for his progressive views and reliance on smaller campaign donors, the odds might get higher. This is due to his inexperience as a politician and the likelihood of the Democratic party nominating one of the strong female candidates as a nominee.

Kamala Harris

Speaking of strong women, next in line is Kamala Harris, with +500 odds for the nomination and +750 for the presidency.

Representing California, the most prominent primary state, she is also one of the top candidates being a high ranking female African-American politician. However, the amount of strong female candidates alone is already proving to be a challenge.

Elizabeth Warren

Closing the top three candidates is Elizabeth Warren, one of the earliest candidates, with not-so-positive odds of +1200 for nomination and +2000 for the presidency.

The Massachusetts senator had all prospects, having one of the more celebrated resumes and a strong political stance.

However, the DNA test controversy has certainly damaged her reputation, while many would consider Warren to be a preferred opponent to Trump, already having used her views to gather more support for himself.

Bernie Sanders

On the more surprising turn, the odds for 2016 election favorite Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders are not so short, with nomination odds being +1200 and presidency +2200. Most likely, this is due to his old age of 79 and the abundance of strong female candidates.

The odds may change closer to the election, so it’s always better to watch how they change at online bookmaker 22Bet.co.uk, where one can bet on the outcome as well.

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