
Icon date Updated: 08.08.2024, 13:49
Icon time 1 min read

In the context of slot gambling, the term volatility refers to the variable that influences the manner in which the machine distributes winnings to players. In simple terms, volatility can be seen as a spectrum running from low payouts and high hit rate to high payouts and low hit rate.

Slots are typically divided into three volatility categories:

  • Low volatility slots pay out frequently but the amounts they award tend to be smaller.
  • Medium volatility machines strive to find a middle ground between hit rate and hit size.
  • High volatility slots pay out less frequently but tend to pay out larger sums.

High vs Low Volatility Slots

There is no right or wrong choice when it comes to slot volatility. Both types of machines have their pros and cons and are suited to different playstyles and bankrolls.

Conservative players, as well as players with low bankrolls, will likely prefer low volatility machines with their promise of more frequent returns and longer play sessions.

Risk-prone players, as well as high rollers, will tend to steer towards high volatility slots and the chance of receiving a high payout.


  • The variable that influences the manner in which a slot machine distributes winnings to players.

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